Let's see what is going on in Greek schools
Monday, March 22, 2010
Saturday, March 20, 2010
Next activities
Our next four activities are:
1- Sexual education in schools
Each country write a post in blog about legal situation concerning sexual education at schools: Are there any law forcing sexual education at school? If yes, in which terms? Who are sexual educators at schools? How old must students be to have sexual education at school?
2- Love expression in our students
Each country publish in blog posts where our students express their love for someone.
3- Our students in a chat
Our students will speak in real time about traditions concerning Valentine's day and Easter.
4- Making a story
Our students make an imaginary trip where they create characters that get evolved in a love story. It should be possible express values that are acceptable in sexual behavior: how to face early pregnancy, IST, homosexuality; when is the right age to start sexual life; how important is fidelity; how important is love in sex; respect to the ones who want to live in sexual abstinence; etc.
Portuguese students are finishing the first part. After that Greek partners will continue it.
1- Sexual education in schools
Each country write a post in blog about legal situation concerning sexual education at schools: Are there any law forcing sexual education at school? If yes, in which terms? Who are sexual educators at schools? How old must students be to have sexual education at school?
2- Love expression in our students
Each country publish in blog posts where our students express their love for someone.
3- Our students in a chat
Our students will speak in real time about traditions concerning Valentine's day and Easter.
4- Making a story
Our students make an imaginary trip where they create characters that get evolved in a love story. It should be possible express values that are acceptable in sexual behavior: how to face early pregnancy, IST, homosexuality; when is the right age to start sexual life; how important is fidelity; how important is love in sex; respect to the ones who want to live in sexual abstinence; etc.
Portuguese students are finishing the first part. After that Greek partners will continue it.
Sunday, March 14, 2010
Identity and differences in human life

It's a nice experience our students can see that every culture, even being different, has a basic identity. If it's true everyone is different, it's also true that differences are not the most important. The essencial point is: we have similar emotions, feelings and the same logic reason. So we can communicate and live together. That's Europe!
In this trip in space and time we will find human substance under every culture of group, specially in what concerns to gender relationships.
Friday, March 12, 2010
Romanian poem about love - Mihai Eminescu

Trecut-au anii ca nori lungi pe şesuri
Şi niciodată n-or să vie iară
Căci nu mă-ncântă azi cum mă mişcară
Poveşti şi doine, ghicitori, eresuri
Ce fruntea-mi de copil o-nseninară,
Abia-nţelese, pline de-nţelesuri –
Cu-a tale tale umbre azi în van mă-mpresuri,
O, ceas al tainei, asfinţit de sară.
Să smulg un sunet din trecutul vieţii,
Să fac, o, suflet, ca din nou să tremuri
Cu mâna mea în van pe liră lunec,
Pierdut e totu-n zarea tinereţii
Şi mută-I gura dulce-a altor vremuri,
Iar timpul creşte-n urma mea….mă-ntunec!
Trecut-au anii ca nori lungi pe şesuri
Şi niciodată n-or să vie iară
Căci nu mă-ncântă azi cum mă mişcară
Poveşti şi doine, ghicitori, eresuri
Ce fruntea-mi de copil o-nseninară,
Abia-nţelese, pline de-nţelesuri –
Cu-a tale tale umbre azi în van mă-mpresuri,
O, ceas al tainei, asfinţit de sară.
Să smulg un sunet din trecutul vieţii,
Să fac, o, suflet, ca din nou să tremuri
Cu mâna mea în van pe liră lunec,
Pierdut e totu-n zarea tinereţii
Şi mută-I gura dulce-a altor vremuri,
Iar timpul creşte-n urma mea….mă-ntunec!
The years have passed like clouds o’er hills and dales
Nor will they e’er return to us, in truth,
For I’m no longer charmed as in my youth
By superstitions, riddles, fairy tales,
Which brightened up my forehead as a child –
Half understood, with hidden sense inwrought;
Vain are your shadows into which I’m caught
Oh, magic hou’r, the evening twilight mild.
To wrest a sound from my life’s yesteryear
To thrill my soul one more time with my rhyme
Upon my lyre fingers vainly spin;
All’s lost within my youth’s now distant stir
And mute is now the honeyed mouth of yonder time
Time grows upon me...darkness sucks me in.
Translated by Andrei Bantaş, a student from Romania
The years have passed like clouds o’er hills and dales
Nor will they e’er return to us, in truth,
For I’m no longer charmed as in my youth
By superstitions, riddles, fairy tales,
Which brightened up my forehead as a child –
Half understood, with hidden sense inwrought;
Vain are your shadows into which I’m caught
Oh, magic hou’r, the evening twilight mild.
To wrest a sound from my life’s yesteryear
To thrill my soul one more time with my rhyme
Upon my lyre fingers vainly spin;
All’s lost within my youth’s now distant stir
And mute is now the honeyed mouth of yonder time
Time grows upon me...darkness sucks me in.
Translated by Andrei Bantaş, a student from Romania
How would you like to spend your dream winter holiday?
My dream winter holiday.
I hate winter so my dream winter holiday can't be in Poland. I want to go on the trip around the world, but I want to be alone. It will be very interesting but quite dangerous. I will visit a lot of countries, museums, see a lot of monuments but I wll have only 2 weeks, because later I have to go to school.
First of all, I will go to Africa. I will not visit Europe because I think that another continents are more interesting than Europe, so Africa will be first. I want to see kangaroos, snakes and a lot of dangerous animals. I want to spend sunset on the desert, for example, Sahara. Sunsets are beautiful. Next I will go to America. I will spend few days on the Cariby. I will swim in the sea, sunbathe etc. I love it. Antarctica will be the next continent. I know, I wrote that I hate winter and it's true but I would like to see Eskimos ! They are very, very interesting. I want to see how they can live with very low temperature. I want to see igloo and I want to sleep in it , but I will spend about 2 days in Antarctica because I hate winter.
Next, I will go to Sydney, Tasmania, Kamczatka, Japan etc. I will do a lot of interesting things so my dream winter holiday can't be boring. I hope I will experience holiday like this.
Patrycja J.
I hate winter so my dream winter holiday can't be in Poland. I want to go on the trip around the world, but I want to be alone. It will be very interesting but quite dangerous. I will visit a lot of countries, museums, see a lot of monuments but I wll have only 2 weeks, because later I have to go to school.
First of all, I will go to Africa. I will not visit Europe because I think that another continents are more interesting than Europe, so Africa will be first. I want to see kangaroos, snakes and a lot of dangerous animals. I want to spend sunset on the desert, for example, Sahara. Sunsets are beautiful. Next I will go to America. I will spend few days on the Cariby. I will swim in the sea, sunbathe etc. I love it. Antarctica will be the next continent. I know, I wrote that I hate winter and it's true but I would like to see Eskimos ! They are very, very interesting. I want to see how they can live with very low temperature. I want to see igloo and I want to sleep in it , but I will spend about 2 days in Antarctica because I hate winter.
Next, I will go to Sydney, Tasmania, Kamczatka, Japan etc. I will do a lot of interesting things so my dream winter holiday can't be boring. I hope I will experience holiday like this.
Patrycja J.
Polish poem about love.
Powiedz mi jak mnie kochasz.
- Powiem.
- Więc?
- Kocham cie w słońcu. I przy blasku świec.
Kocham cię w kapeluszu i w berecie.
W wielkim wietrze na szosie, i na koncercie.
W bzach i w brzozach, i w malinach, i w klonach.
I gdy śpisz. I gdy pracujesz skupiona.
I gdy jajko roztłukujesz ładnie -
nawet wtedy, gdy ci łyżka spadnie.
W taksówce. I w samochodzie. Bez wyjątku.
I na końcu ulicy. I na początku.
I gdy włosy grzebieniem rozdzielisz.
W niebezpieczeństwie. I na karuzeli.
W morzu. W górach. W kaloszach. I boso.
Dzisiaj. Wczoraj. I jutro. Dniem i nocą.
I wiosną, kiedy jaskółka przylata.
- A latem jak mnie kochasz?
- Jak treść lata.
- A jesienią, gdy chmurki i humorki?
- Nawet wtedy, gdy gubisz parasolki.
- A gdy zima posrebrzy ramy okien?
- Zimą kocham cię jak wesoły ogień.
Blisko przy twoim sercu. Koło niego.
A za oknami śnieg. Wrony na śniegu.
K. I. Gałczyński
This is a poem about love. The narrator tried to illustrate the amazing feeling of love. He decided not to write “I love you so much” as it would be too simple. Instead he wrote a beautiful poem. It’s very romantic. He said that he loves her in the sun , and in the light of the candles, in the hat and in the beret, when she sleeps and when she works. He loves her so much in every moments in their life. I will translate a few parts of this poem:
- Can you tell me how much you love me ?
- I can
- So ?
- I love you in the sun, and in the light of the candles
I love you in a hat, and in the beret.
I love you in a big wind on the road, and on the concert.
I love you in the elders, raspberries, clones.
I love you when you sleep, and when you work.
I love you in the taxi, and in the car. Without exceptions.
In the end of the road and at the beginning of it.
In the dangerous situations, and while being on a merry-go-round.
In the sea. In the mountains, in the rubber boots and barefoot.
Today. Yeasterday. Tommorow. In the day and at night. (...)
Patrycja J.
- Powiem.
- Więc?
- Kocham cie w słońcu. I przy blasku świec.
Kocham cię w kapeluszu i w berecie.
W wielkim wietrze na szosie, i na koncercie.
W bzach i w brzozach, i w malinach, i w klonach.
I gdy śpisz. I gdy pracujesz skupiona.
I gdy jajko roztłukujesz ładnie -
nawet wtedy, gdy ci łyżka spadnie.
W taksówce. I w samochodzie. Bez wyjątku.
I na końcu ulicy. I na początku.
I gdy włosy grzebieniem rozdzielisz.
W niebezpieczeństwie. I na karuzeli.
W morzu. W górach. W kaloszach. I boso.
Dzisiaj. Wczoraj. I jutro. Dniem i nocą.
I wiosną, kiedy jaskółka przylata.
- A latem jak mnie kochasz?
- Jak treść lata.
- A jesienią, gdy chmurki i humorki?
- Nawet wtedy, gdy gubisz parasolki.
- A gdy zima posrebrzy ramy okien?
- Zimą kocham cię jak wesoły ogień.
Blisko przy twoim sercu. Koło niego.
A za oknami śnieg. Wrony na śniegu.
K. I. Gałczyński
This is a poem about love. The narrator tried to illustrate the amazing feeling of love. He decided not to write “I love you so much” as it would be too simple. Instead he wrote a beautiful poem. It’s very romantic. He said that he loves her in the sun , and in the light of the candles, in the hat and in the beret, when she sleeps and when she works. He loves her so much in every moments in their life. I will translate a few parts of this poem:
- Can you tell me how much you love me ?
- I can
- So ?
- I love you in the sun, and in the light of the candles
I love you in a hat, and in the beret.
I love you in a big wind on the road, and on the concert.
I love you in the elders, raspberries, clones.
I love you when you sleep, and when you work.
I love you in the taxi, and in the car. Without exceptions.
In the end of the road and at the beginning of it.
In the dangerous situations, and while being on a merry-go-round.
In the sea. In the mountains, in the rubber boots and barefoot.
Today. Yeasterday. Tommorow. In the day and at night. (...)
Patrycja J.
Thursday, March 11, 2010
International day of woman
Comments on the post:
Maria said...
This is one of the best tributes I've ever read, about woman's day!Jorge, allow me to add a few words.If women today, in western societies, are receiving legal equality with men and the freedom to chose their destiny, it's because of the full-of-self-judgement questions that first Greeks imposed. At the time of history when keeping women at a lower position was a distinguishing aspect of every society, Greek philosophers dared saying something revolutionary: that females must be equal to males, that if society acts differently then it develops half of its potentials.In ancient Greek litterature (written mainly by men) many women appear to provoke the misogynist stereotypes. Do you see what was going on? The writers themselves were questioning their own prejudices!How many stereotypes and prejudices are there today, especially in what sexuality is concerned, that we have to reconsider???
March 9, 2010 7:26 AM
Ana Marta Carmona said...
I think that what my teacher posted here is a very good tribute to women and being a woman myself, I recognise that there were many women who have been abused and killed so that I could be in front of this computer writing this, I mean, so that I coulld have my own freedom, which I love and without it I couldn't do half the things I do now! All we can do concerning the other women who are abused right now in the other side of the world is to be brave and hang in there because there will be a time when you can also have your freedom and, who knows, maybe one of your daughters can talk to us about the experience of their mothers, how they were chased, how they were hurt, and contribute the development of their society.
Ana Marta Carmona, 10.º B
March 10, 2010 8:58 PM
Maria said...
Dear Ana Marta,While reading your comment, my mind instantly drifted away to a book I have read.“Never without my daughter” , a true story, that took place in Iran, of one woman's struggle to keep her child and win freedom for them both.…and then another book came into my mind…“Patience stone” . For far too long, Afghan women have been faceless and voiceless. The writer, a man, Atiq Rahimi gives face and voice to one unforgettable woman in Afghanistan–and, one could argue, offers her as a proxy for the grievances of millions…it is a rich read, part allegory, part a tale of retribution, part an exploration of honor, love, sex, marriage, war.Literature has the great privilege of being able to record human experience and share it, from the very source of it. You read and you enter the mind of the writer, his/her heart and soul. Sometimes it’s very difficult for us to imagine how much some people suffer, how much they are suppressed and are deprived from freedom of choices. If we manage to imagine, then we can understand, not only them but ourselves as well.Open up your minds! Read… and meet the real world. Explore the mystery of human relations…
March 11, 2010 9:40 AM
Anonymous said...
I do believe that men are responsible for a lot of mistakes. I also believe that women see the world differently. In fact, I think that in a few things women are much better than men.But the truth is: women are nothing but people. People with personal feelings, thoughts... More than the condition of women or men, are people. And should be respected in that condition.So the International day of Woman, more than a day to remember how victims or adorable we were or can be, should be the day when men (and some women too) think how strong we were, are and will become. It's the best day for those people think that they should take us seriously, because one day physical strength will no longer matter, and by history and genetics women are much stronger psychologically.Above it all, this is the day to remember us that we should respect who is around us, despite different race, sex, age, options of living... This is the day to remember us that we should first of all improve ourselves, in all possible ways, doesn't really matter if you're man, woman or someone that socially chose to be both.
March 11, 2010 11:23 PM
Conceição said...
Hello everybody. Hi Jorge! Your vision of women´s day it is a very beautiful one.I am a little late on the comment but sill I would like to share my vision of this celebration day.What about:- the countries were women still seen as inferior? - the men that still don’t aloud the women to express themselves? - the societies that practice female genital mutilation?I think it is about time to really and seriously reflect on these issues.It is time to think of the historic but actual meaning of the celebration.
March 13, 2010 5:30 AM
Jorge Rocha said...
Hello, everybody!Conceição is right driving our attention to that issues. I would like to see my students here making comments about such issues and relating them with concepts we have been thinking. Students of 10th level can think about it in relation of «etnocentrism, cultural relativism and interculturalism» and in relation with «Values» and its role in «Human Action»; students of 11th level can think relation between those topics and central values of our democracy (liberty, equality and fraternity.
March 13, 2010 1:53 PM
Maria said...
Lets not just talk, but act as well.Take a look at this site: http://www.thepetitionsite.com/takeaction/926134765?z00m=19830371
March 13, 2010 8:34 PM
Maria said...
This is one of the best tributes I've ever read, about woman's day!Jorge, allow me to add a few words.If women today, in western societies, are receiving legal equality with men and the freedom to chose their destiny, it's because of the full-of-self-judgement questions that first Greeks imposed. At the time of history when keeping women at a lower position was a distinguishing aspect of every society, Greek philosophers dared saying something revolutionary: that females must be equal to males, that if society acts differently then it develops half of its potentials.In ancient Greek litterature (written mainly by men) many women appear to provoke the misogynist stereotypes. Do you see what was going on? The writers themselves were questioning their own prejudices!How many stereotypes and prejudices are there today, especially in what sexuality is concerned, that we have to reconsider???
March 9, 2010 7:26 AM
Ana Marta Carmona said...
I think that what my teacher posted here is a very good tribute to women and being a woman myself, I recognise that there were many women who have been abused and killed so that I could be in front of this computer writing this, I mean, so that I coulld have my own freedom, which I love and without it I couldn't do half the things I do now! All we can do concerning the other women who are abused right now in the other side of the world is to be brave and hang in there because there will be a time when you can also have your freedom and, who knows, maybe one of your daughters can talk to us about the experience of their mothers, how they were chased, how they were hurt, and contribute the development of their society.
Ana Marta Carmona, 10.º B
March 10, 2010 8:58 PM
Maria said...
Dear Ana Marta,While reading your comment, my mind instantly drifted away to a book I have read.“Never without my daughter” , a true story, that took place in Iran, of one woman's struggle to keep her child and win freedom for them both.…and then another book came into my mind…“Patience stone” . For far too long, Afghan women have been faceless and voiceless. The writer, a man, Atiq Rahimi gives face and voice to one unforgettable woman in Afghanistan–and, one could argue, offers her as a proxy for the grievances of millions…it is a rich read, part allegory, part a tale of retribution, part an exploration of honor, love, sex, marriage, war.Literature has the great privilege of being able to record human experience and share it, from the very source of it. You read and you enter the mind of the writer, his/her heart and soul. Sometimes it’s very difficult for us to imagine how much some people suffer, how much they are suppressed and are deprived from freedom of choices. If we manage to imagine, then we can understand, not only them but ourselves as well.Open up your minds! Read… and meet the real world. Explore the mystery of human relations…
March 11, 2010 9:40 AM
Anonymous said...
I do believe that men are responsible for a lot of mistakes. I also believe that women see the world differently. In fact, I think that in a few things women are much better than men.But the truth is: women are nothing but people. People with personal feelings, thoughts... More than the condition of women or men, are people. And should be respected in that condition.So the International day of Woman, more than a day to remember how victims or adorable we were or can be, should be the day when men (and some women too) think how strong we were, are and will become. It's the best day for those people think that they should take us seriously, because one day physical strength will no longer matter, and by history and genetics women are much stronger psychologically.Above it all, this is the day to remember us that we should respect who is around us, despite different race, sex, age, options of living... This is the day to remember us that we should first of all improve ourselves, in all possible ways, doesn't really matter if you're man, woman or someone that socially chose to be both.
March 11, 2010 11:23 PM
Conceição said...
Hello everybody. Hi Jorge! Your vision of women´s day it is a very beautiful one.I am a little late on the comment but sill I would like to share my vision of this celebration day.What about:- the countries were women still seen as inferior? - the men that still don’t aloud the women to express themselves? - the societies that practice female genital mutilation?I think it is about time to really and seriously reflect on these issues.It is time to think of the historic but actual meaning of the celebration.
March 13, 2010 5:30 AM
Jorge Rocha said...
Hello, everybody!Conceição is right driving our attention to that issues. I would like to see my students here making comments about such issues and relating them with concepts we have been thinking. Students of 10th level can think about it in relation of «etnocentrism, cultural relativism and interculturalism» and in relation with «Values» and its role in «Human Action»; students of 11th level can think relation between those topics and central values of our democracy (liberty, equality and fraternity.
March 13, 2010 1:53 PM
Maria said...
Lets not just talk, but act as well.Take a look at this site: http://www.thepetitionsite.com/takeaction/926134765?z00m=19830371
March 13, 2010 8:34 PM
Monday, March 8, 2010
Here we are! March, 8th. International day of Woman.

Sexuality is very important because it can be the most deep experience experience in life of each human being and because it’s the source of life. We mustn’t forget it. And we must face it without prejudices – it is part of life, it is natural and it can be the best of life, but only if everyone can live it in a complete human way. This complete human way of living requires good thought and good emotions, that requires respect for the way of thinking and the way of feeling of everyone that is evolved. It must be this way. Really, because we are talking about a social relationship, it’s essential that each one is pleased. Otherwise, it’s a bad relationship and shouldn’t be tolerated. For a long... long time women all over the world have been submitted to violence because this basic rule was not respected.
Millions and millions men, Christians, Muslins, Jewish and members of other religions or without religion were violent with their women. Men have hit women. Men have stolen their freedom, arresting them in their houses that are prisons in silence. Men have raped them. Men have stoned them, and have burned them and have killed them. There are so many situations every day in every place in entire world that, in this particular subject, we must say our history is tragic!
I think we are facing the prove that human life, and life in general and life of universe has no sense of justice. In fact, women are the source of love and they’ve always been submitted to violence. It’s nonsense, isn’t it?
The life of each one of us starts in a love act of them. To refer the situation they and our fathers give us life, they use to say they make love, that is different to say they make sex (I think this is a typical way of male expression). It is not just a difference in terms, it’s different in semantics.
After, they carry us in their bodies, and they take care of their nutritional behaviour because of that. After they carry us in their arms and take care of our education. And, at the same time, they work and they are wives and they take care of our houses. Wou!
In spite of this fantastic performance, too many times they receive back carelessness, insensitiveness and violence.
After, they carry us in their bodies, and they take care of their nutritional behaviour because of that. After they carry us in their arms and take care of our education. And, at the same time, they work and they are wives and they take care of our houses. Wou!
In spite of this fantastic performance, too many times they receive back carelessness, insensitiveness and violence.

While women take care children, educate them, men are making war… and they say they are superior then women because they make more dangerous things… like war! It’s stupid!
We should look at Human History: it’s a sequence of wars. It's an History of blood! Empires against empires to dominate more and more territory, to dominate more and more richness, to dominate more and more men and women. Always to dominate, never to cooperate (happily Europeen Union is an exception that is growing based on reoson, not on arms; based on cooperation, not in fight).
How could our Human History be if it has been done by women, if we have been a matriarchal society? A society made with their words and not with brave men muscles, with their kindness and without males testosterone?!
In this international day of women, I want to say I’m pleased for all the long way West societies have run in order to put women side by side with men… our society became so much interesting because of that!
Sometimes, when women get power, they make the same mistakes men used to make: they use power in the same aggressive way men usually do it. That is the antithesis, and that is wrong. I hope they get power in women way of being: the power that leads with sensitivity and thought and not with muscles. Muscles are an attribute of basic nature, not an attribute of human nature.
My closing words are kisses and flowers to all women, with a deep wish they teach world to get right balance between thought and feelings. I hope they can teach us how to be educated in thought and specially educated deeply in emotion. In fact, more important and more difficult than educate thought is to educate emotion and that is basis of a good personal and social life.
Jorge Rocha
When eros inspires
Comments on the poem:
Jorge Rocha said...
Hi, Maria! Congratulations because of this idea publishing this poem. It has the smell of greek deepness. I also loved the picture.
March 2, 2010 10:36 PM
Filipe Luna said...
Such an amusing poem. I am one of professor Jorge's students, And I must say your poem is quite awe-inspiring. I would like to thank you for sharing such knowledge with us.
March 3, 2010 10:25 PM
Jorge Rocha said...
Hello, Filipe!It's good to see you making this e-trip with us. Now we are traveling in space; soon we'll travel in time. I hope you can help me to go far away in this adventure.Jorge Rocha
March 3, 2010 11:23 PM
Filipe Luna said...
I see... I will do my very best to help develop this project, just call me if anything is needed, I can help with any translations needed for example.
Estou a ver... Eu vou fazer o meu melhor para ajudar a desenvolver este projecto, se for precisa alguma coisa basta chamar, posso ajudar com as traduções por exemplo.
March 4, 2010 12:29 AM
Maria said...
Hi Filipe! Nice meeting you!Hey Jorge, I like the fact that collleagues of yours are joining the project. It means something!!!!Since you like my post about "Erotocritos", what about telling you about the poetic way Cretan teenagers express their love nowadays?
March 4, 2010 5:20 PM
Filipe Luna said...
It would be most kind of you. I would be sure to read it, and so would be any of the followers.
Seria muito simpático da sua parte. Eu iria ler de certeza, tal como iria qualquer um dos seguidores.
March 4, 2010 8:54 PM
Jorge Rocha said...
These are nice words! And a beautiful image. I also like design of greek words, even if I do not understand their meaning.Jorge R.
March 8, 2010 8:50 PM
Jorge Rocha said...
Hi, Maria! Congratulations because of this idea publishing this poem. It has the smell of greek deepness. I also loved the picture.
March 2, 2010 10:36 PM
Filipe Luna said...
Such an amusing poem. I am one of professor Jorge's students, And I must say your poem is quite awe-inspiring. I would like to thank you for sharing such knowledge with us.
March 3, 2010 10:25 PM
Jorge Rocha said...
Hello, Filipe!It's good to see you making this e-trip with us. Now we are traveling in space; soon we'll travel in time. I hope you can help me to go far away in this adventure.Jorge Rocha
March 3, 2010 11:23 PM
Filipe Luna said...
I see... I will do my very best to help develop this project, just call me if anything is needed, I can help with any translations needed for example.
Estou a ver... Eu vou fazer o meu melhor para ajudar a desenvolver este projecto, se for precisa alguma coisa basta chamar, posso ajudar com as traduções por exemplo.
March 4, 2010 12:29 AM
Maria said...
Hi Filipe! Nice meeting you!Hey Jorge, I like the fact that collleagues of yours are joining the project. It means something!!!!Since you like my post about "Erotocritos", what about telling you about the poetic way Cretan teenagers express their love nowadays?
March 4, 2010 5:20 PM
Filipe Luna said...
It would be most kind of you. I would be sure to read it, and so would be any of the followers.
Seria muito simpático da sua parte. Eu iria ler de certeza, tal como iria qualquer um dos seguidores.
March 4, 2010 8:54 PM
Jorge Rocha said...
These are nice words! And a beautiful image. I also like design of greek words, even if I do not understand their meaning.Jorge R.
March 8, 2010 8:50 PM
Tuesday, March 2, 2010
When eros inspires

Observe how Eros works his magic spells,
And how all love-sick mortals he compels.
He quickens their desire and gives it might,
And teaches them to wrestle in the night.
He cheapens gold, to blemish he gives charm.
And to the weakling lends a warrior’s arm;
He makes the coward dare, the sluggard race,
The awkward he endows with every grace.
Love made Rotokritos to hold his ground
And to defy the ten who gathered round.
From EROTOCRITOS (lines543-552)
Vizentzos Cornaros (16th-17th Century)
Γρικήσετε του έρωτα θαμάσματα τα κάνει
κ' εισέ θανάτους εκατό, όσ' αγαπούν, τσι βάνει.
Πληθένει τως την όρεξι και δύναμι τως δίδει,
μαθαίνει τσι να πολεμού τη νύχτα στο σκοτείδι,
κάνει τον ακριβό φτηνό, τον άσκημο ερωτάρι
κάνει και τον ανήμπορο άντρα και παλληκάρι,
τον φοβιτσάριν άφοβο, πρόθυμο τον οκνιάρι
κάνει και τον ακάτεχο να ξέρη πάσα χάρι.
Η αγάπη το Ρωτόκριτο κάνει να πολεμήση
με δέκα, κ' εις τον έρωτα ολπίζει να νικήση.
Some days ago, a young student (16 years old) came into the library (where I work) and asked me if I had the book of "Erotocritos". I was a bit surprised by his choice. I told him: "Hey! Did you fall in love and you want to dedicate some poetic lines to your girl?" He smiled and nodded "yes"....
Isn't it astonishing? Emotions stay the same through the years, the centuries! Words that manage to capture these emotions can stay immortal.
EROTOCRITOS: The world of this work is the ideal Greek world of friendship, pure feelings, authentic Greek traditions. It is the world of the beauty of Athens and Crete which is "the throne of virtue and the river of wisdom."
The language of this work is authentic Greek and Cretan, a synthesis and conscious effort of the poet to express lofty human feelings and values with simplicity, directness and truth.
Erotokritos has been characterized as a masterpiece of the Greek language which unites the magic of myth and a deep understanding of everyday life. It expresses the "threefold ideal which is bravery, beauty and wisdom." A work rooted deeply in authentic Greek traditions, humanity, true feeling and pure love for life and freedom.
The language of this work is authentic Greek and Cretan, a synthesis and conscious effort of the poet to express lofty human feelings and values with simplicity, directness and truth.
Erotokritos has been characterized as a masterpiece of the Greek language which unites the magic of myth and a deep understanding of everyday life. It expresses the "threefold ideal which is bravery, beauty and wisdom." A work rooted deeply in authentic Greek traditions, humanity, true feeling and pure love for life and freedom.
Camões - Poem about love

Noémia, the portuguese teacher of our students Said:
"My first contribution to the theme it's a poem, and about love - what else? Poet? Camões – he leaved in the XVI century, but he knew and experimented all you can get from life and love!
In English:
Let Love devise new ways, new wiles
to kill me, and new forms of disdain;
he´ll take away no hope of mine,
since he can´t take what I don´t have.
Look at the hopes that hold me up!
See how precarious my defenses!
For I, not fearing reverses or changes,
Though disappointment can´t exist
where there´s no hope, there Love has hidden
a bane that kills and remains unseen,
for he placed in my soul some time ago
I don´t know what, nor where it was born,
nor how it got there, nor why it aches."
Monday, March 1, 2010
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