
2011 Questionnaire

Click in Questionnaire so that you can answer.

Welcome to our etwinning questionnaire about human sexuality.
This is an important item in order to develop sexual education with students in our etwinning project.

Questionnaire is a result of several contributes. It is based on Maria Sourgiadaki’s and Jorge Rocha’s work on a questionnaire of Maria João Alves (leader of PPES in Escola Secundária Henriques Nogueira) and on a sexual education guide, approved by the Greek Ministry of Education. Finally, there are some questions suggested by students.

Translations from Greek and Portuguese to English are not professional.

Please, answer questionnaire trying to be completely honest. Your opinion is important so that we get information from your sexual attitude in order to analyse and discuss upon it. The whole process of getting information and its use will be controlled by this etwinning project team, which gives you guarantee of confidentiality and anonymity. Data will be statistically processed in an aggregate way.

Thanks for your contribution!

Analysing answers
You can see all posts related with this activity on home page. Here you find a list of all posts:
  • Sexual attitude questionnaire, March 21, 2011
  • The age of the 1st sexual experience, June 2, 2011
  • All shapes of our questionnaires about sexual attitude, June 6, 2011
  • Sex and personal conflict, June 21, 2011
  • First time, June 21, 2011
  • Sexual attitude, June 24, 2011
    • to have more than one sexual partners
    • who was the partner in the 1st sexual intercourse?
    • reasons to be sexually active
    • psychological violence
    • physical violence in sexual relations
    • authors of physical violence in sexual relations
  • Mabel's testimony - the value of sex in Lisbon sorroundings, July 15, 2011
  • Classe debating questionnaire data, July 22, 2011

2010 Questionnaire

Clik here to answer the questionnaire for young people (students).

Our etwinning questionnaire about human sexuality is considered an important part of our project, in order to develop sexual education with students.

The questionnaire is a result of several contributes. It is based on Jorge Rocha’s and Maria Sourgiadaki’s work on a questionnaire of Maria João Alves (leader of PPES in Escola Secundária Henriques Nogueira) and on a sexual education guide, approved by the Greek Ministry of Education. Finally, there are some questions suggested by students.
We are asking for completely honest answers.Your opinion is important so that we get information from your sexual attitude to analyse and discuss upon it.

The whole process of getting information and its use will be controlled by this etwinning project team, which gives you guarantee of confidentiality and anonymity. Data will be statistically processed in an aggregate way.

2nd June
Today I prepared a different lesson to analyse results of questionnaire we have now. I did it with two classes of mine (my dear students of 10ºth level) and with Patrícia Cataludo (my college of Physical Education and Teacher Director of one of this classes). We have done it in the Library of our school.

I am glad with this different teaching experience. Together we were able to analyse results we can find in our questionnaires, compare them with our expectations and with our own values and believes, and specialy discuss on all that information.

It is a good thing to see that these young boys and girls have a good sense of responsability; it's good to see they try to be free of pre-judjements and they look at one eachother as a person that have the same dignity they want for themselves. It's good to see men and women giving eachother a treatment in equal conditions.

I'm sure that, in gender relationship, this is a generation to whom justice is more effective. I'm very happy because I can work with so special young people. I have almost 50 students in this 2 classes, and they are all good boys and girls! They are socialy healthy people!

Working with such people, we can say it's good to be a teacher. In this situation we believe our work is useful.

Speaking about subjects we discussed:

  • biological and cultural conditions of sexual desire (how can culture we get change the way we face our sexuality? how can bilogical elements like sexual hormones change the way we behave sexualy?);
  • differences between sex and sexuality (this concept is associated with feelings, values and everything that makes sex become love);
  • values associated to have sex with someone somebody is in love versus values associated to have sex with a strange person (data from questionnaire are realy interesting in what concerns this question);
  • equality of gender in what concerns to sexual behavior (data from questionnaire are realy interesting in what concerns this question); .
Everyone in that lesson seemed to be interested, everybody left with the idea that people of their own age think in a similar way in what cocerns sexuality (at least people from Portugal and also people from Greece; other countries don't have enouth data to take conclusions with a minimum consistency).

Congratulations to the students who were in this intersting lesson; thank's to Patrícia Cataludo for her support.

Jorge Rocha

5th July
Analysing answers in questionnaire for young people

Our questionnaire for young people was answered mainly in two schools of two partner countries: one school in Greece and another one in Portugal. Schools from other countries that are in this project are late in this subject. So, we’ll analyse data we have at this moment. In future we can come back and compare information we have now with data from other countries.

Data we have got with this questionnaire don’t allowed us to take statistic conclusions, but, in spite of that, it’s relevant information about sexual attitude of young people of our schools.

We’ve got 83 people answering our questionnaire; 63 are from Portugal and 11 from Greek students. The rest came from several countries (even if them all are students in our greek school); we are not going to analyse their answers now.

People who answered questionnaire in Greece are older than in Portugal. In fact, 82% Greeks are 18 years old or more (4 male and 3 female); Portuguese people with that age are 13% (4 males and 4 females).

Now, let’s analyse some answers of this group (aged 18 or more), comparing answers in Greece and in Portugal.

All these Greeks think that «having sex with somebody I'm in love is (or is supposed to be) (...) wonderful and/or normal behavior»; one of them thinks it is also exciting. In what concerns to these Portuguese people, 7 in 8 think it is wonderful; 5 think it is also exciting; 4 think it is also healthy; 4 say it is also safe.

So, all answers in both countries express an attractive attitude on this topic.

Let's analyse the question «having sex with a strange person, just for adventure, is (or is supposed to be)...»:

· Greeks:
It’s «stupid» for 2 females; the other one says it is «wrong»; it is evident these females have an attitude of rejection towards this topic.

Males don’t agree in this subject: one says it is «dangerous»; other says it is «wonderful, normal behavior»; other says it is «exciting»; and, finally, other says it is « normal behavior, dirty, dangerous».

So, we can say males are more confused about this topic: some have an attitude of attraction; others an attitude of rejection.

· Portugueses:
It's «Exciting» for 4 of them («exciting» and nothing more for 2, both males; «exciting and dangerous» for 2 females).

Other 2 females think it is «stupid» in one case; «dirty, dangerous, wrong and stupid» for another female.

This way we can conclude female have a different attitude concerning this topic: they give a more negative semantics on it.

In fact, we think that «exciting» is a positive meaning; although, there is no female giving this topic simply that meaning. 2 of them are in what I call a psychological conflict (the ones who say it is «exciting and dangerous»); remaining 2 females think it is something clearly bad and because of that they say «dirty, dangerous, wrong and stupid».

Males think differently: only one male have similar bad semantics associated to the topic (he says it is «dirty, dangerous and wrong»); remaining 3 give good values to it: it is «exciting» for 2 of them; it is «normal behavior» to the 3rd.»

9% from Greece and 30% from Portugal says, in question nº5, «Having sex with a strange person, just for adventure, is (or is supposed to be) (...)dirty»; in Portugal are mainly girls who say so (12 girls and 7 boys).

As we can see, there is a lot of meaning in the answers of our questionnaire. It should be a hard task to analyse everything and post it here. It was possible to go deeper in the lessons in witch we thought and discussed upon these data.

Now I invite everybody to go on with analysis in the bellow. Some interesting conclusions will be then possible.