Click here to meet me!

My name is Nicola my surname is MAIELLARO, I am over forty, people call me NICO. I am married with two children. I live with my family in Policoro, where I work in a high school. I teach English. My hobbies are playing the guitar, listening to the music and travelling. I don’t like watching TV. I am fond of singing. I am easy-going, moody and calm. I like people who are sincere; I don’t like boring people: I was born in Italy. My eyes are brown and my hair is brown too. It’s short. I am 1.70 tall
Hello, from Torres Vedras, Portugal!
We are portuguese travelers and we want to do this trip very much! :) It'll be something special. We are very excited, because we are sure we have a lot to learn with our partners in so different countries!
Here we are to start our trip.
So, let's go!
In Portuguese/Em Português:
Olá, desde Torres Vedras, Portugal!
Nó somos viajantes portugueses e queremos muito fazer esta viagem!:) Será qualquer coisa de especial. Estamos muito entusiasmados porque estamos certos que temos muito que aprender com os nossos parceiros de países tão diversificados!
Aqui estamos nós para começar a nossa viagem.
Vamos a isso!
Let's go to know better our school, our land and our country.
Let's go to know our Romanian students school. It's a great school.
Secondary School D. Filipa de Lencastre
Most students love to attend our school.
Since 1938 teachers, administrators, staff and parents collaborate to provide a good educational experience.
Agrupamento de Escolas D.Filipa de Lencastre is located in the center of Lisbon. There are approximately 100 teachers and 1200 students from elementary to secondary school.
It is a state school supported both by the Ministry of Education of Portugal and the Municipality of Lisbon.
Our teachers are very well prepared and extremely dedicated to the education of their students.
Our students are joyful, friendly and enjoy receiving guests.
They love meeting people from different cultures.
Getting good marks to enter university is one of their goals.
School is their second home!
Our list of FAMOUS STUDENTS is quite impressive:
- Ana Caetano – Pedagogue and daughter of Marcelo Caetano, Prime Minister before 1974;
- Carmen Dolores – actress;
- Maria de Lurdes Pintassilgo – first woman to become Prime Minister in Portugal (1976);
- Maria Barroso – actress, writer, human rights activist, wife to Mário Soares, President of the Repubic;
- Maria José Estanco – first female arquitect in Portugal;
- Manuela Eanes –Wife to General Ramalho Eanes, President of the Republic;
- Natália Correia – Writer.
In 1940 Liceu Nacional D.Filipa de Lencastre was a school for girls only - 924 girls and 80 female teachers!
In 1979 the school name changed to Escola Secundária D.Filipa de Lencastre and by then boys and girls were accepted!
Cultural initiatives
Every school year lectures and different sorts of communications are part of our curricular and /or extra-curricular activities – careers, health issues, going to university are some of the subjects we may be dealing with. Most of the times these experts from the outside world are invited by the students or the teachers participating in the different school projects. We have three main areas of studies – Humanities, Science Studies and Economics.
Students can also participate in the Maths Olympic Games and the Biotechnology Olympic Games.
Sports initiatives
The school volleyball team is part of the national volleyball federation! Our girls are great! During the school year there are many different sportive initiatives.
Some of the boys play rugby or football, but the school has not got its own team!
Filipa de Lencastre team
Secondary School of Camarate

A lot of work is being done, however good results take some time to come up as well as changing students mentalities about the importance of studying.
It’s a nice school, with updated technological devices. It has 44 rooms very well equipped, labs, a library and some clubs (music and dancing, Capoeira, bike and theatre club).

The end of this school year finished with a great party where students could sing and receive an Oscar for their performance during the year. It was a nice experience that motivated all the students to give their best to receive the award.
About me
My name is Mabel, I was born in a beautiful city called Covilhã, near Serra da Estrela, the highest mountain in Portugal. I’ve been teaching English for 16 years near Lisbon and I love the light of this city.
I love reading, painting and going for a walk with friends.
This Trip in Space and Time started long ago and unfortunately I only caught the train last September 2010.
About me
My name is Mabel, I was born in a beautiful city called Covilhã, near Serra da Estrela, the highest mountain in Portugal. I’ve been teaching English for 16 years near Lisbon and I love the light of this city.
I love reading, painting and going for a walk with friends.
This Trip in Space and Time started long ago and unfortunately I only caught the train last September 2010.
Mabel (English teacher)