Trecut-au anii ca nori lungi pe şesuri
Şi niciodată n-or să vie iară
Căci nu mă-ncântă azi cum mă mişcară
Poveşti şi doine, ghicitori, eresuri
Ce fruntea-mi de copil o-nseninară,
Abia-nţelese, pline de-nţelesuri –
Cu-a tale tale umbre azi în van mă-mpresuri,
O, ceas al tainei, asfinţit de sară.
Să smulg un sunet din trecutul vieţii,
Să fac, o, suflet, ca din nou să tremuri
Cu mâna mea în van pe liră lunec,
Pierdut e totu-n zarea tinereţii
Şi mută-I gura dulce-a altor vremuri,
Iar timpul creşte-n urma mea….mă-ntunec!
Trecut-au anii ca nori lungi pe şesuri
Şi niciodată n-or să vie iară
Căci nu mă-ncântă azi cum mă mişcară
Poveşti şi doine, ghicitori, eresuri
Ce fruntea-mi de copil o-nseninară,
Abia-nţelese, pline de-nţelesuri –
Cu-a tale tale umbre azi în van mă-mpresuri,
O, ceas al tainei, asfinţit de sară.
Să smulg un sunet din trecutul vieţii,
Să fac, o, suflet, ca din nou să tremuri
Cu mâna mea în van pe liră lunec,
Pierdut e totu-n zarea tinereţii
Şi mută-I gura dulce-a altor vremuri,
Iar timpul creşte-n urma mea….mă-ntunec!
The years have passed like clouds o’er hills and dales
Nor will they e’er return to us, in truth,
For I’m no longer charmed as in my youth
By superstitions, riddles, fairy tales,
Which brightened up my forehead as a child –
Half understood, with hidden sense inwrought;
Vain are your shadows into which I’m caught
Oh, magic hou’r, the evening twilight mild.
To wrest a sound from my life’s yesteryear
To thrill my soul one more time with my rhyme
Upon my lyre fingers vainly spin;
All’s lost within my youth’s now distant stir
And mute is now the honeyed mouth of yonder time
Time grows upon me...darkness sucks me in.
Translated by Andrei Bantaş, a student from Romania
The years have passed like clouds o’er hills and dales
Nor will they e’er return to us, in truth,
For I’m no longer charmed as in my youth
By superstitions, riddles, fairy tales,
Which brightened up my forehead as a child –
Half understood, with hidden sense inwrought;
Vain are your shadows into which I’m caught
Oh, magic hou’r, the evening twilight mild.
To wrest a sound from my life’s yesteryear
To thrill my soul one more time with my rhyme
Upon my lyre fingers vainly spin;
All’s lost within my youth’s now distant stir
And mute is now the honeyed mouth of yonder time
Time grows upon me...darkness sucks me in.
Translated by Andrei Bantaş, a student from Romania
1 comment:
Thank you to our collegues that posted such beautiful poems.
It's a great joy to know how so many poets from our countries express themselves about life and love and the years that "passed like clouds".
And we have to remember that every relationship as very much to do with words. Words can hurt or save.
It's, in fact, "a trip in space and time."
It would be nice, in the end of the project, to have an antology... I wonder
Maria Noémia, from Portugal
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