Observe how Eros works his magic spells,
And how all love-sick mortals he compels.
He quickens their desire and gives it might,
And teaches them to wrestle in the night.
He cheapens gold, to blemish he gives charm.
And to the weakling lends a warrior’s arm;
He makes the coward dare, the sluggard race,
The awkward he endows with every grace.
Love made Rotokritos to hold his ground
And to defy the ten who gathered round.
From EROTOCRITOS (lines543-552)
Vizentzos Cornaros (16th-17th Century)
Γρικήσετε του έρωτα θαμάσματα τα κάνει
κ' εισέ θανάτους εκατό, όσ' αγαπούν, τσι βάνει.
Πληθένει τως την όρεξι και δύναμι τως δίδει,
μαθαίνει τσι να πολεμού τη νύχτα στο σκοτείδι,
κάνει τον ακριβό φτηνό, τον άσκημο ερωτάρι
κάνει και τον ανήμπορο άντρα και παλληκάρι,
τον φοβιτσάριν άφοβο, πρόθυμο τον οκνιάρι
κάνει και τον ακάτεχο να ξέρη πάσα χάρι.
Η αγάπη το Ρωτόκριτο κάνει να πολεμήση
με δέκα, κ' εις τον έρωτα ολπίζει να νικήση.
Some days ago, a young student (16 years old) came into the library (where I work) and asked me if I had the book of "Erotocritos". I was a bit surprised by his choice. I told him: "Hey! Did you fall in love and you want to dedicate some poetic lines to your girl?" He smiled and nodded "yes"....
Isn't it astonishing? Emotions stay the same through the years, the centuries! Words that manage to capture these emotions can stay immortal.
EROTOCRITOS: The world of this work is the ideal Greek world of friendship, pure feelings, authentic Greek traditions. It is the world of the beauty of Athens and Crete which is "the throne of virtue and the river of wisdom."
The language of this work is authentic Greek and Cretan, a synthesis and conscious effort of the poet to express lofty human feelings and values with simplicity, directness and truth.
Erotokritos has been characterized as a masterpiece of the Greek language which unites the magic of myth and a deep understanding of everyday life. It expresses the "threefold ideal which is bravery, beauty and wisdom." A work rooted deeply in authentic Greek traditions, humanity, true feeling and pure love for life and freedom.
The language of this work is authentic Greek and Cretan, a synthesis and conscious effort of the poet to express lofty human feelings and values with simplicity, directness and truth.
Erotokritos has been characterized as a masterpiece of the Greek language which unites the magic of myth and a deep understanding of everyday life. It expresses the "threefold ideal which is bravery, beauty and wisdom." A work rooted deeply in authentic Greek traditions, humanity, true feeling and pure love for life and freedom.
Hi, Maria!
Congratulations because of this idea publishing this poem. It has the smell of greek deepness. I also loved the picture.
Such an amusing poem. I am one of professor Jorge's students, And I must say your poem is quite awe-inspiring. I would like to thank you for sharing such knowledge with us.
Hello, Filipe!
It's good to see you making this e-trip with us. Now we are traveling in space; soon we'll travel in time. I hope you can help me to go far away in this adventure.
Jorge Rocha
I see... I will do my very best to help develop this project, just call me if anything is needed, I can help with any translations needed for example.
Estou a ver... Eu vou fazer o meu melhor para ajudar a desenvolver este projecto, se for precisa alguma coisa basta chamar, posso ajudar com as traduções por exemplo.
Hi Filipe! Nice meeting you!
Hey Jorge,
I like the fact that collleagues of yours are joining the project. It means something!!!!
Since you like my post about "Erotocritos", what about telling you about the poetic way Cretan teenagers express their love nowadays?
It would be most kind of you. I would be sure to read it, and so would be any of the followers.
Seria muito simpático da sua parte. Eu iria ler de certeza, tal como iria qualquer um dos seguidores.
These are nice words! And a beautiful image. I also like design of greek words, even if I do not understand their meaning.
Jorge R.
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