Saturday, December 4, 2010

Wonderful comments! :)

Have you read the comments in recent posts? You should do it. It is wonderful to realise how clever are our partners in this blog, a lot of them are students and they do so interesting points of view!
To ilustrate what I'm saying, I publish here a comment written by one student of mine... it is evident my proud in my partners! In fact, they inspire and motivate me in such a way that to work here is a pleasure for me.
So, let's see what Inês Vieira thinks, answering the questions about «Helena's Testimony» (bellow):

«• Do you agree with Helena’s decision to finish her relationship with Sérgio? Why?

Yes, I agree with Helena’s decision to finish her relationship with Sérgio. I think it's necessary respect and patience in a relationship, shouldn’t be made pressures on these matters of personal and intimate nature. And, if her boyfriend couldn’t accept her decision, then it is because he isn’t worth her personal delivery or even her effort.

• How do you think she should had felt if she had surrender to her boyfriend claims? Why?
In my opinion I think she would have felt uncomfortable with herself if she had surrendered to her boyfriend claims, because she would be doing something for which she was not yet ready and would be against her own convictions. Something as important as her virginity shouldn’t be reduced to an experience which she feels discomfort, and all this just to satisfy the wishes of the partner, I think this is not right.

• Do you think Sérgio really loved Helena?
No, I think he never really loved her. If he loved her he would never put her under pressure and would have had patience for having given her time to feel sufficiently prepared.

• What do you think about what Helena’s friend told her?
Although I believe that friend is not one who says yes to everything you say, but someone who opens our eyes when we need, I believe that what her friend said was insensitive.

• Do you think that to take contraceptive pill, or to use condom, was a good solution to Helena’s problems?
What she really needs isn’t taking the contraceptive pill or using condom, what she really needs is feel prepared and comfortable with herself and with her partner.

• Are teenagers of 16-17 years old mature enough to have sex?
Maturity to have sex has no predefined age, is something that changes with education, culture and mindset of each one.

• What to think about an eventual pregnancy? Who should take responsibility?
I think both should be responsible, because pregnancy happens not only with the intervention of one, they are both needed. In case of pregnancy none of them are less responsible than the other.

• Is a pregnancy possible, even if contraceptive cautions are taken?
When sexual activity is responsible, and precautionary measures are taken, the probability of getting pregnant is low, although it isn’t 100% non-existent.

• Is sex a way to get pleasure only?
Sex is not just a way to get pleasure, we can be happy doing other things instead of sex. when two people love each other and feel very closely with one another, sex is a way to feel united and feel the complicity that exists between them.» Inês Andrade Vieira, nº 8, 11º B, From Portugal.

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