Monday, March 21, 2011


Welcome to our etwinning questionnaire about human sexuality. This is an important item in order to develop sexual education with students in our etwinning project.
Questionnaire is a result of several contributes. It is based on Maria Sourgiadaki’s and Jorge Rocha’s work on a questionnaire of Maria João Alves (leader of PPES in Escola Secundária Henriques Nogueira) and on a sexual education guide, approved by the Greek Ministry of Education. Finally, there are some questions suggested by students.
Translations from Greek and Portuguese to English are not professional.
Please, answer questionnaire trying to be completely honest. Your opinion is important so that we get information from your sexual attitude in order to analyse and discuss upon it. The whole process of getting information and its use will be controlled by this etwinning project team, which gives you guarantee of confidentiality and anonymity. Data will be statistically processed in an aggregate way.
Click in Questionnaire so that you can answer. Thanks for your contribution!

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