Thursday, April 22, 2010

Sexual education in Poland.

Certainly we have sexual education in Poland. It’s very important in every teenager’s life. It learns us ‘how to survive addesence’ and ‘how to set up home’. First of all we have this subject I 4th class in primary school (we’re about 10 years old). We learn things about our first period, changers in our body and behavior. We also talk with teachers about our family, housework and things, which are important in adult life. Later, we have sexual education in high schools, when we’re older and more mature (but sometimes there are some exceptions ;)). We learn new things, for example: about having a baby, methods of contraception, we also listen things about being a good person and having good life in the future. Sometimes in high school we hear the same news as in Primary School. In my opinion sexual education in Polish schools I good, but I could be better. Authorities should make professional trainings for teachers, who will keep this subject. They also should prepare the program of teaching. If they make it, teenager’s sexual education will improve, so they’ll be better prepared for being an adult.

Patrycja K.

1 comment:

Jorge Rocha said...

Hi, Patrycja!
I liked to know about the way you learn about sexuality in your country. I am preparing a post about the same subject in Portugal so that everybody can compare.

I hope you (and your friens) like to see posts we have in our blog.

Keep in touch.

Jorge Rocha
(Philosophy teacher from Portugal)