Sunday, February 28, 2010

Our school, land and country

Let's go to know better our school, our land and our country.

Here we are!

Hello, from Torres Vedras, Portugal!

We are portuguese travelers and we want to do this trip very much! :) It'll be something special. We are very excited, because we are sure we have a lot to learn with our partners in so different countries!
Here we are to start our trip.
So, let's go! Click here to meet us!

In Portuguese/Em Português:
Olá, desde Torres Vedras, Portugal!
Nó somos viajantes portugueses e queremos muito fazer esta viagem!:) Será qualquer coisa de especial. Estamos muito entusiasmados porque estamos certos que temos muito que aprender com os nossos parceiros de países tão diversificados!
Aqui estamos nós para começar a nossa viagem.
Vamos a isso! Clica aqui para nos conhecer!

Thursday, February 25, 2010

Hello Maria from Greece

Wellcome Maria. It's a big pleasure to have a partner from Greece.

I really loved your presentation - it was a wonderful trip arround beautiful and historical Greece, and it was great to do it with you!:) Oh, I was almost forgoten: you work in a nice school!

Now we join in our project six european countries: Portugal, Turkey, Greece, Italy, Poland and Romain.

About this, José Said:
"In English:
Hello Maria, I'm Jose, one of the portuguese students that will be participating in this project. Welcome!
Now in Portuguese:
Olá Maria, Eu sou o Jose, um dos estudantes portugueses que vai estar a participar neste projecto. Bem vinda!"

Wednesday, February 24, 2010

sunny greetings!

I am a new partner!
Click here to meet me!

Tuesday, February 23, 2010


My name is Nicola my surname is MAIELLARO, I am over forty, people call me NICO. I am married with two children. I live with my family in Policoro, where I work in a high school. I teach English. My hobbies are playing the guitar, listening to the music and travelling. I don’t like watching TV. I am fond of singing. I am easy-going, moody and calm. I like people who are sincere; I don’t like boring people: I was born in Italy. My eyes are brown and my hair is brown too. It’s short. I am 1.70 tall

Sunday, February 21, 2010

Our Polish school:-)

Hello to everyone!

My name is Milena Kęcik and I'm an English teacher from Poland. My students are very eager to cooperate with you and I hope that you'll have a lot of fun with us!
Greetings from beautiful, sunny Poland!

Hello Italy, Poland and Romaine

Now we have three new partners. They are:
- Milena Kecik from Poland (scholl: Gimnazjun Me 3 in.T Kasciuszki, Pabianice);
- Nicola Maiellaro from Italy (school: ITCG Bernalda, Matera);
- Rodica Dimitrovici from Romaine (school: Benjamin Franklin Highschool, Bucharest).

The portuguese students say wellcome to their new friends from Italy, Poland and Romaine.

So we join in our project students from five european countries: Portugal, Turkey, Italy, Poland and Romaine.

Our students can start communication now: they can change photos of everybody, photos of eachone schools and towns, everything posted in this blog. Then we can organize a chat and communicate also through email.

It will be a great experience for all!

In portuguese / em português:

Agora temos 3 novos parceiros. São eles:
- Milena Kecik da Polónia (escola: Gimnazjun Me 3 in.T Kasciuszki, Pabianice);
- Nicola Maiellaro de Itália (escola: ITCG Bernarld, Policoro);
- Rodica Dimitrovici da Roménia (escola: Benjamin Franklin Highschool, Bucharest).

Os estudantes portugueses desejam as boas vindas aos seus novos amigos da Itália, Polónia e Roménia.

Desta forma, juntamos no nosso projecto estudantes de 5 países europeus: Portugal, Turquia, Itália, Polónia e Roménia.

Os nossos estudantes podem começar a comunicar: podem trocar fotos de todos e fotos das escolas e cidades de cada um , tudo através deste blog. Podem também organizar chats e comunicar ainda através do email.

Será uma grande experiência para todos!

Jorge Rocha

Sunday, February 7, 2010

eTwinning Label

Our trip is borning

This is our blog.

It's created to alowed us to communicate and put information about our project.

This project is a partnership between two european schools:
- Escola Secundária Henriques Nogueira in Torres Vedras, Portugal;
- Özdebir iöo in Instanbul, Turkey

The main porpose of our project is to find the influence of sexual culture in human behaviour. To do that, we should compare present and past sexual cultures of 2 or more peoples (values in present and in the past; sexual education agents; punishment to those who don't follow the rules; etc.). Making inquires about sexual behaviour of our students, and their mothers, fathers, grandmothers and granfathers - it's a trip in time in what concerns to behaviour and emotions related with sexuality and the way society impose rules and punishment to push people to be in sexual rules. This work must be done in two or more different countries - it's a trip in space.

It will be a meeting place of those who realy want to make part of this project!

Now in portuguese:
Este é o nosso blog. Foi criado para nos permitir comunicar e colocar informação acerca do nosso projecto.

Este projecto é uma parceria entre duas escolas europeias:
- Escola Secundária Henriques Nogueira em Torres Vedras, Portugal;
- Özdebir iöo em Instanbul, Turquia

O objectivo do nosso projecto é encontrar a influência da cultura sexual no comportamento humano. Para isso, deveremos comparar o presente e o passado da cultura sexual de duas ou mais pessoas (valores no presente e no passado; agentes da educação sexual; punições para aqueles que não seguem as regras; etc.). Fazendo inquéritos acerca do comportamento sexual dos nossos estudantes, das suas mães, pais, avós e avôs - é uma viagem no tempo no que diz respeito ao comportamento e às emoções relacionadas com a sexualidade e a forma como a sociedade impõe regras e força as pessoas a cumprir essas regras. Neste trabalho participam dois ou mais países, pelo que também é uma viagem no espaço.

Espero que se torne um local de encontro para todos aqueles que querem fazer parte deste projecto.

Jorge Rocha